Best foods to eat after a workout
Let's start with the most important: in any case, do not keep the stomach empty after a workout. During exercise, your body consumes a lot of energy. During the workout a micro-fractures occur in the muscles, which need to be repaired. If your body is not getting food after an hour or two after a workout, your muscles do not recover properly and all the hard work is going to be wasted. Depending on what the exercise was, the post-workout nutrition may differ, but one rule is for sure: the protein must be consumed immediately after exercise, in any event, because the body needs protein to grow muscle, keep muscle tone and recover. After an exercise consume protein sufficiently because your muscles need it. The more difficult the exercise was to the muscles, the more protein they need to recover. Those who wish to grow muscles should pay particular attention to protein.
However, only protein is not enough. You should also consume carbohydrates and beneficial fatty acids. Both, fastly and slowly absorbed carbohydrates should be consumed in combination shortly after the weight training, however, greater emphasis should be on complex carbohydrates. If your goal is to lose weight, you should wait with carbohydrates ca. 90 minutes because an immediate carbohydrate intake attenuates the stimulated fat burning hormones enhanced by aerobic work. Fats help to restore the body's immunity after a stressful situation to the body.
Below is the list of the best foods for getting the protein, carbohydrates and fats.
Chicken (41% protein, 13% carbohydrate, 46% fat, selenium)
Beef (42% protein, 0% carbohydrates, 58% fat, vitamin B12, zinc, selenium)
Eggs (35% protein, 2% carbohydrate, 63% fat, vitamins A, B 12 and vitamin D, selenium)
Salmon (60% protein, 0% carbohydrates, 40% fat, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, selenium)
Quinoa (15% protein, 71% carbohydrate, 14% fat, magnesium, manganese)
Oatmeal (15% protein, 70% carbohydrate, 15% fat, fiber, magnesium, manganese)
Yogurt (44% protein, 53% carbohydrate, 3% fat, vitamin B12, potassium, zinc, calcium)
Banana (4% protein, 93% carbohydrate, 3% fat, fiber, vitamin C, potassium, vitamin B6)
Useful fats:
Avocado (4% protein, 19% carbohydrate, 77% fat, fiber, vitamin C, and K)
Olive oil (2% protein, 10% carbohydrate, 88% fat, vitamin E)
Fish oil (100% fat)
Olive oil (100% fat)
Nuts (approximately 10% protein, carbohydrate approximately 17%, approximately 73% fats, copper, manganese)
Seed oils (linseed, etc.)
Other useful foods:
Water (100% of carbohydrates, the most important liquid at all !!!)
Orange juice (5% protein, 91% carbohydrate, 4% of fats, vitamin C, potassium)
Blueberries (4% protein, 91% carbohydrates, 5% fats, antioxidants, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and K, manganese)
Pineapple (4% protein, 94% carbohydrate, 2% fat, but agents, B6, and Vitamin C, a copper, bromelain)
Kiwi (6% protein, 87% carbohydrates, 7% fat, fiber, antioxidant, potassium, vitamin C, and K)
Last update: 2015-10-05 (Y,M,D)
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