Nature as programmed profit

In a financial world it is good enough when the stock indices and investment funds are yielding on positive side. 30 percent annual increase rate is something that only a few manage to achieve. However, if we treat nature right it can provide us with at least 100-fold profit every year.

See, when a cucumber is planted in the spring and all but the last one picked off in fall, that one last cucumber gives us at least a hundred plant seeds for a new life. Compared to the average yield in any economic venture it is a frantic earnings. It means that the nature has originally been programmed to produce a profit.

Nature has blessed us with the fact that living organisms are proliferating at an increasing pace, and a person is able to take an advantage of this process. Nature is so abundant that it offers people more than they can consume. Each of us is able to sow field full of crops, but none of us is be able to eat it all alone in the coming year.

But in nature everything is in balance, as the gain of one is loss of another. Those hundred new cucumber plants need much more space and that may come in expense of another plant or tree, which in this case is a loss-making change for them. In nature seeds are spread with the wind, water, wildlife and nature, thus the strongest plants win.

But think about what the world would be if all the plants in the world would harvest only a single grain, in which there would be only one seed per grain, per plant. What would the price of food be then?

Money as a programmed loss

If nature shares its products with us in a growing amounts, the financial system on the other hand is inherently unprofitable. It is important to understand that the money is essentially a perishable commodity. Inflation is one integral part of today's economy, which means that at the moment you possess some amount of money it can immediately begin to decline in value. The decline, however, is small, and not so noticeable among the everyday doings, but during the years it’s quite a significant change.

Logically, this means that immediately after receiving the money you should start to think about how to change it into some of the more valuable assets. The objective is to exchange the money into some of the goods of which the price can not fall over time, or remains equivalent. It is a game of endless possibilities, a lot of rules, and no absolute truths. However, it’s quite possible to say that one of the values of which the price can not fall in the long term is land and forest.

If profits of nature turn to losses

Although nature can be a very profitable it also can be turned into a loss. This can happen when the natures profits are turned into an economic profits in a wrong way. For example it’s quite easy to grow and maintain potatoes, pumpkins, bushes, apple trees and animals for one family. But it is going to be much more complicated in a situation where there is an economic profit to be made.

In order to be profitable at an activity it’s required to produce in large quantities, but only with one family and it’s tools producing in a large amounts is not possible. To this end, it is necessary to hire additional strength and to acquire a wide range of other equipment. This means that, before the action starts to bring in the revenue, high costs of the production must be made and thus the risks will also be many times higher. If it’s made in small amounts the activity is mostly beneficial for the family itself but there is no guarantee that it will be profitable if turned into a production to the masses.

Now, production is directly related to the money, and if the activities do not bring in the expected financial returns it could result in losses. This rule applies to each activity. Even the most pleasurable hobby or recreational activity may become a stressful activity and incur losses if it embarks on making money. It is important to find a balance between the activities and profitability.

Another issue is pollution and garbage associated with the mass production. Products that do not meet the standards or fail will be thrown away. Plus mass production machines and transportation is a cause of a lot of pollution. In addition, various harmful chemicals are also part of mass production, which in many cases have no alternatives.

This topic is far more deeper but one thing is for sure: that the nature can feed the people and be profitable to everyone, but only as long as the personal greed does not overload the nature and not destroy it in a cause of profit.

Last update: 2018-03-19 (Y,M,D)

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